How ’bout a Little Murder? Right wing crazies continue to be out in force in North Carolina, a state that joyously stole voting rights from tens of thousands of its citizens. That’s a state that does precision, targeted gerrymandering to deliver the majority of Congressional seats to White Republicans, even though they garner only a… [read more]
The Big One
Religion has been the driving force or the excuse for more death, misery and suffering than any other cause in all of recorded history. I refuse to do the research necessary to numerically substantiate that claim. If it’s important to you, do your own research. If my claim isn’t exactly right, it’s close enough to… [read more]
I Admit It – Plus Abusing My TV
I have bashed Trump supporters. (Parenthetical: Isn’t that backward? Aren’t our elected officials supposed to support us?) I’ve called them names. I’ve accused. I’ve assumed and projected. And I stand by all of that for the violent crazies. But for millions of them who voted for Trump I’ve been wrong because I’ve largely missed the… [read more]
Killing Bubba, a Thought Experiment & Key Moments
Malcolm Nance is warning us yet again and his message couldn’t be clearer. He spelled it out in an online session with the Washington Post – watch it here. He worked in intelligence for many years and is a terrorism expert. Now he’s laying out plainly what you likely know and what you probably try… [read more]
Cpl. Hershel Williams
Special post – 21 July 2022 I was struck speechless and motionless when I saw the picture in the New York Times Newsletter of July 16. Goose bumps ran from the back of my neck all the way down my left leg. The awful Battle of Iwo Jima* in February 1945 killed or wounded over… [read more]
Hartmann Agrees
Not long ago I posted a love note to Millennials and Gen-Zs. It was something of an apology for what we Boomers have done that threatens them and for the huge pile of political poo we’re piling at their feet. It isn’t pretty and it won’t be easy. But it’s critical that they grab hold… [read more]
MAGA Time and Time For A Moon Shot
I was thinking about what the term “MAGA” means. I don’t mean the words; rather, the reference point. If the goal is to make America great again, the construct requires an antecedent when America was deemed to be great, a glory from which we’ve foolishly slipped. That’s what the MAGA folks want to restore, it… [read more]
Are You Seeing The Pattern Yet?
The people at the not-for-profit Citizens United were on a mission. They hated Hillary Clinton. A lot. They filmed what they called a documentary, Hillary: The Movie, and planned to release it in 2008 in an effort to submarine her candidacy for the Democratic Party nomination for the presidency. They wanted to air their hit… [read more]
Highland Park Strong
Ed note: The last section of this post – The Community – was added after the video recording was completed. Scroll down and check it out. It was a most moving ceremony. Last Wednesday evening, the 6th of July, I attended a vigil. It was just 2 days after the Highland Park massacre. Sitting next… [read more]
This Is OUR Country
In the aftermath of the shooting at the 4th of July parade in Highland Park, IL the reports are that 7 people are dead and 47 have serious injuries. Please explain to me what an un-serious gunshot injury is. If the hole is in you, believe me, you’ll be certain that it’s serious. There were… [read more]