Your search for big lie returned 356 results.

How It Works

In the first Star Wars movie there is a scene with Darth Vader and the officers of the Imperial star ship. The commander says,   “The Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to us. I have just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the council permanently. The last remnants of the… [read more]

Stampeding Dishonesty Is Trampling Everything In Its Path

This is about people who are knowingly saying things that are false. It’s called lying. It’s not just that the dishonesty is present. It’s about its tentacles spreading malevolently and the speed of its corrosive march. Trump’s blatant dishonesty was on full display when he called for the execution of the Central Park Five after… [read more]

Oh, Kevin

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd annually gives her Thanksgiving column space over to her brother Kevin, whom she calls a conservative. I’ve read several of his offerings and have come away with the sense that Kevin is not a conservative; he’s a Trumpy, which is distinctly not conservative. And in this year’s essay he… [read more]


Reading time – 3:40  .  .  . Blanketed with frustration and anger over this ongoing spectacle of an election, disappointment haunts me, but it isn’t about Trump. I want to hug my ancient 48-star flag, not to disrespect Alaska or Hawaii, but to touch what I used to believe. Underneath it all, my heart is… [read more]

Out of Control

Reading time – 3:49  .  .  . The tectonic plates are shifting rapidly, leaving lots of us wobbling a bit and looking for something secure to hold onto. Indeed, a recent NBC/WSJ poll reported that 80% of Americans think our country is “out of control.” I don’t know what “out of control” means. Absent a… [read more]

Double Standard

Reading time – 4:56  .  .  . It wasn’t always this way. In fact, there have been many times when it was the reverse. But this is how it is today. Newt Gingrich was giddy in his self-righteous moralizing in pursuit of bringing down Bill Clinton following the 1994 mid-term election that put Republicans in… [read more]

The Real Problem With America

Reading time – 54 seconds; Viewing time – 2:39  .  .  . The insults hurled about in what passes for our politics are flagrant judgments that polarize us. As harmful to our republic are the insidious accusations buried in attack speak by those seeking to steal power for themselves. Just the other day Republican candidate… [read more]

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