Your search for big lie returned 369 results.

Numbers, Masks, Injustice & MTG

Numbers This is scary. There are roughly 331 million citizens in the United States, of whom 258 million are adults (identified at least by age, if not by behavior). Only 168 million adults are registered voters. The other 90 million adults either haven’t bothered to register, they’re ineligible to vote, like convicted felons in some… [read more]

True North, Immigration and Cwazy

During my keynotes and workshops on leadership I frequently offer attendees an exercise in self-clarity called True North. The goal is for each person to craft a simple statement of who they are at their core, a declaration of what’s most deeply important to them. The responses are often moving and self-revelatory, and it is… [read more]

It’s a Free Country

The Jewish Democratic Council of America posted a list of what Congress must do if we are to preserve our democracy. These steps aren’t attached to any party or any religion. They are exclusively about keeping and protecting democracy – the real deal, not the cruel charade that Republicans are making of it by trying… [read more]


BREAKING NEWS! In a shocking exposé released moments ago, Red State TV, Red State Talk Radio and Red State Cable News simultaneously released the results of a three month investigation. They reported, “We found that the vast majority of Red State Americans who have heroically refused to be vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus, as well… [read more]


That’s not a question; it’s an answer. In a greatly insightful essay What Causes Vaccine Hesitancy? authors Anita Sreedhar and Anand Gopal set out to answer their own question.* Do millions refuse vaccines because they are self-centered, interested only in themselves? Are they just proudly stubborn? Are they willfully ignorant? And does the answer to… [read more]


Freedom – n. the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint; the power of self-determination attributed to the will – Apple Dictionary, v 2.3. ————————- Freedom of Speech I’m an American living in America and the First Amendment says,                                                    Amendment I Congress shall make no law… [read more]

Winning, Part Two: Republican Obstructionism

Unavoidable Observation Kyle Rittenhouse is on trial for killing two people and seriously wounding another using his illegal AR-15 assault rifle. He brought his illegal assault weapon to a BLM protest in the summer of 2020 in Kenosha, WI. His mother drove him there. With his AR-15. His mother! * He has claimed he went… [read more]

Governors Gone Wild

It is with enormous pride that we announce the winners of the very first Governors Gone Wild Awards! . Surely, there is a special place for governors of our states who have distinguished themselves as more mentally regressive and self-serving than the call of duty requires and this is it. We mustn’t wait another minute… [read more]

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