This Most Consequential Moment

Reading time – 3:41  .  .  . Here’s one of the great and beautiful things about America: both of these things are true. The ragers, the haters, the reality deniers, the hoax and conspiracy screamers, the bullies, the demonizers, the bigots and the misogynists get to wail their vitriol and grievances. They get to verbally… [read more]

Sent to a Libertarian Friend on 9-11

Reading time – 2:44  .  .  . · This was sent to a friend on 9/11. The message informs our present moment. · I’ve been thinking about what you labeled my “way too much certainty of how events would have played out if something had happened that didn’t happen.” I understand your skepticism of my… [read more]

A Little Help for You, Mike Pence

Reading time – 4:42  .  .  . WARNING: Contains extra-crispy snark. Mike, at the V.P. debate you said lots of things that are – well, let’s not call them lies; this is politics, so let’s just say they’re “creative.” We can’t look at everything, so we’ll pick just one thing to look at. Perhaps I… [read more]

An Historical Perspective

Join the Disambiguation Gang right over there (scroll down just a bit) → Reading time – 3:18 .  .  . COVID-19 has at last caught up to our science-denying President. Of course, it was inevitable, given his flaunting of all protections, other than getting tested, which isn’t protection at all. By the time someone tests… [read more]

Potpourri – v12.0

Reading time – 5:15  .  .  . BREAKING NEWS! Hope Hicks, President Trump’s closest aide, has tested positive for coronavirus. Hours after the announcement of her infection we learned that both the president and Mrs. Trump had tested positive for coronavirus, too. So have some senators and White House staffers, with more surely in the… [read more]

Republicans For Biden

Join the Disambiguation Gang right over there  → (scroll down just a bit) Ed Note – Apologies for the false alarm notification of a new Disambiguation yesterday. Entirely my mistake. In contrast, this one is for real. FLASH MESSAGE! Trump is doing every weasely thing he can to rig the election in his favor, including… [read more]

It’s Just Another Week

Join the Disambiguation Gang right over there → (scroll down just a bit) Reading time 3:11  .  .  . We have endured an onslaught of one catastrophe or outrageous event on top of another. That both keeps us from focusing on individual events and seeing them through to the end, as well as dulling us… [read more]


The graphic below arrived as you see it, promoting a Trump rally in my generally peaceful town. This ain’t bean bag. It’s our democracy. That’s why this calls for a counter-protest. I’m happy to meet the Trump supporters in the park. Looking forward to finding out if they are locals – neighbors – or outside… [read more]

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