Reading time – 3:32 . . . Even the most casual observer knows that Donald Trump will spin everything about coronavirus so that he looks good. He will lie, he will try to force revisionist history on us and he will declare in unambiguous terms that only he can lead us out of the pandemic…. [read more]
Reading time – 2:46 . . . President Trump has not just bungled facts, spewed false happy talk and continued to lie his way through his presidency and this pandemic. He has also made clear that he is not responsible for anything that’s happening if he thinks it might make him look bad. He told… [read more]
Reading time – 3:55 . . . Caution: There’s just a little bit of snark at the very end. Please practice safe snark. We’re still in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, although if they were able to speak for themselves the over 5,800 people who have died of the illness might describe this… [read more]
Brats and Beer
Reading time – 1:47 . . . On March 8 I gave a heads up about what we can expect from Republicans in the upcoming general election campaign. I wrote, The Democratic nominee can expect filth, lies, false associations, fear mongering, muck making, more lies, voter suppression, plus nonstop lies. And it has already begun…. [read more]
Music Musing and Someone You Didn’t Know You Knew
Reading time – 1:22 . . . A while back a commercial caught my ear because of the music playing in the background. It was a piece of our music and it dawned on me that this was a most unwelcome tunes grab. Since that time I’ve noted more of that kind of thing and… [read more]
Potpourri v10.0
Reading time – 4:31; Viewing time – 7:49 . . . First, some stories you may have missed because of the torrential downpour of coverage of the primary elections and COVID-19. And don’t miss the BREAKING GOOD NEWS at the end. First Story: Drugs It is notable that our government is at least putting on… [read more]
What’s The Difference?
Reading time – 1:59 . . . Following Amy Klobuchar’s announcement that she was dropping from the presidential nomination race and indicated that she intends to endorse Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders was asked for his reaction. Reporter’s Question: Are you concerned about the moderates consolidating behind Joe Biden? Bernie Sanders: Look, it is no secret…. [read more]
Science and The New Police Squads
CAUTION TO SENSITIVE READERS: This post contains snarky descriptors that include a couple of words Mom told you not to say. Reader and viewer discretion is advised. ————————— Reading time – 4:05; Viewing time – 6:27 . . . We’ve had many years of various people denying science: It’s Sen Marco Rubio (R-FL) denying global… [read more]
Enough is Enough
Reading time – 1:56 . . . (Jack is standing behind the island counter in his kitchen. A sunny back yard is seen through the windows behind him. He pumps his right arm up and down for emphasis as he speaks.) We’ve heard this socialist, communist-sounding stuff for far too long. Bernie keeps pushing free… [read more]
How The Country Was Lost – in Retrospect
Reading time – 4:03 . . . It started well before the 2016 election. It started with birtherism. The formal start of Donald Trump’s campaign began with a vile slur against Mexican people coming to this country. That was the first clear indication of the torrent of hate mongering to come. It continued with his… [read more]