Your search for big lie returned 367 results.

I Don’t Know Whether to Believe Justice Clarence Thomas

Friend, activist, Witness at the Border reporter and founder of Peaceful Communities, Lee Goodman, has a facility for clarity. While I’ve been beating the drum for center-and-left-thinking people to vote for quite a while, Lee’s recent essay is the best I’ve seen to communicate what’s at stake. Here it is as a Guest Essay. All… [read more]

The Big One

Religion has been the driving force or the excuse for more death, misery and suffering than any other cause in all of recorded history. I refuse to do the research necessary to numerically substantiate that claim. If it’s important to you, do your own research. If my claim isn’t exactly right, it’s close enough to… [read more]

Apathy and the Big Picture

Ed. Note: Other than this sentence, this post does not mention or allude to Michael Cohen, Robert Mueller, Congressional hearings, Kim Jong-un, impeachment, obstruction of justice or any of the usual suspects. Today this is an official JaxPolitix safe zone. _________________________________________ Reading time – 5:03; Viewing time – 6:35  .  .  . Seeing the Big… [read more]

Guest Essay – Prep for The Big Game

Reading time – 2:55  .  .  . Pam Verner is a psychotherapist who specializes in treating people with addictions. She is compassionate and caring and she is an expert.  She recently penned a clarifying and compelling message and gave me permission to share it with you. Her message is vitally important. Now Pam. I rarely… [read more]

I Can’t Believe I’m Writing This

Reading time – 57 seconds  .  .  . I’m bugging myself by writing this, as it is yet more free attention for Donald Trump. He doesn’t deserve it, but our national dysfunction does. So, Mr. Crazy Hair, here it comes. First, read this. It is an excellent essay by marketing genius Bruce Terkel. He’s a… [read more]

Somebody Has To Tell Me . . .

POST 1063 .  .  .  why we are even talking about: – whether doctors can be criminally prosecuted in Idaho for having made efforts to save the life of a pregnant woman in distress or if they have to wait until death is imminent before proceeding with life saving treatment and by then the woman… [read more]

The Ultimate Con

POST 1056 CAUTION! Contains snark! The content below touches on sensitive issues, willful ignorance and deeply held hypocrisies. It implies widespread gullibility and faith-free faith. Proceed if you dare, but follow the Surgeon General’s recommendation to wear an N95 mask while reading and to squint your eyes against the glare of nearly believable satire. Note… [read more]


Post 1,010 ————————————— I’m making a mental health separation from the heartbreak in the Middle East, from the insanity in the House of Representatives and from the promise of the end of our democracy engineered by what passes for today’s Republicans and Der Fuhrer. Let’s talk about something else. Ed. Immigrants Should you take the… [read more]

Connecting Dots

Post 1,005 ————————————— Congressional Republicans have pseudo-patriotic, brain damaged explanations for not supporting Ukraine. Of course, they’re either making up “alternative facts’ or clutching their boundless ignorance to their chests, the place where courage should reside but obviously does not. The reality is that Ukraine is fighting our fight for us. It is the fight… [read more]

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