You Need To Understand This

Reading time – 5:19  .  .  . Sure, you’re sick of coronavirus 24/7, but it’s killing so many of our family and friends that we need to know the truth. For that, read Sheila Markin’s post and you’ll understand both what’s happened and what needs to happen. The president can’t tell the difference between reality… [read more]

Royal Leadership

Reading time – 2:53  .  .  . It’s so difficult seeing the President of the United States bumbling us to death. First he ignored the experts because, as in all things, he believes that he knows better than any of them. That caused two months of delay in taking action to minimize the spread and… [read more]

How We Became This Way

Reading time – 4:52; Viewing time – 9:15  .  .  . This pandemic showed up and we citizens had two different takes on it. Some of us saw a clear and present danger, so we followed the directions of the medical professionals, the governors and the mayors to hunker down. Others heard the claim of… [read more]

Guest Essay: A Profile in Malignant Narcissism

Reading time – 2:55  .  .  . Dan Giallombardo is a regular reader of these posts. Sometimes he offers comments and occasionally he sends me private responses that I always find helpful and clarifying  He has something to say now that’s quite valuable and he agreed to let me post it. Don’t imagine that this… [read more]

Thinking About Long Term Ramifications

Reading time – 4:33; Viewing time – 7:08  .  .  . Ed. note: Read to the end – there are two treats waiting for you there. —————————– First, a heads up. I talked with a woman who is involved with supply at our local hospital. I offered supplies I have on hand, including a handful… [read more]

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