
Reading time – 2:09; Viewing time – 3:32  .  .  . Today is the 74th anniversary of D-Day, the Allied invasion of Nazi occupied Europe. It was carried out on the beaches of Normandy in France and was and remains the largest invasion of anything, anywhere, at any time and was paid for with enormous… [read more]

Which America?

Reading time – 57 seconds – plus  .  .  . Preface: I have been accused several times of being repetitious (enjoy the irony) and it’s time to set the record straight: It’s true. So, in the service of being of service rather than of boredom, my pledge is to henceforth refrain from simply reacting to… [read more]

Common Wisdom v2.0

Reading time – 2:50; Viewing time – 3:52  .  .  . This post has waited a year to be published for the obvious reason that so much craziness occurs constantly that some important things get left behind. In a May 31, 2017 article in the Wall Street Journal entitled, Why Do The Young Reject Capitalism?,… [read more]

Equal Justice – and Memorial Day

Reading time – 2:17; Viewing time – 3:02  .  .  . Slavery didn’t end in America with the close of the Civil War. It morphed into Jim Crow and torture and lynchings and murder of every sort. It changed into poll taxes and phony literacy tests. Shortly after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and… [read more]

Keeping Score On Just One Week

Reading time – 2:55; Viewing time – 4:20  .  .  . Kim Jong-un, the murderous dictator of North Korea, has played Donald Trump like he’s a marionette. Kim freed 3 American prisoners for whom he had no further use. He already had the nuclear bomb technology he wanted, so it was a freebie to promise… [read more]


Reading time – 3:09; Viewing time – 4:28  .  .  . Trump’s temper tantrum list – and this is just a short, partial list – came to me in a true Homer Simpson moment. Here’s what he’s done: – Backed the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accords, a plan for global climate protection that… [read more]

The Republican Juggernaut Against Government

Reading time – 2:10  .  .  . In a recent conversation, a friend wondered why working-class voters vote for politicians and support policies that are at odds with their own interests. It’s my belief that these voters don’t think through the situation. All they recognize is that a program of small government and low taxes… [read more]

Blustering for Bupkis*

* Bupkis – Absolutely nothing; nothing of value, significance, or substance. Reading time 1:17  .  .  . Who doesn’t want the nuclear capabilities of homicidal, fratricidal uncle-cidal Kim Jong-un eliminated? So, the upcoming summit between Kim and Trump has everyone’s interest and hopes for success, with success defined as ending North Korea’s nuclear threat. Sadly,… [read more]

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