From The Resolute Desk . . .

.  .  .  in the Oval Office, The President of the United States . Folks, I’m here tonight to focus on patriotism, because we have some terrible things going on. it’s time for some straight talk. Our people are becoming infected with Covid-19 at a horrific and worsening rate. Over 1,500 of our fellow citizens… [read more]

Do You Smell What I Smell?

In another effort to quash the will of the majority of its citizens, the state of Texas passed a draconian anti-abortion law that effectively outsources law enforcement to vigilantes. The Supreme Court refused to issue an injunction to stop the law from taking effect before a full review of its breathtakingly unconstitutional provisions could be… [read more]

The “This Didn’t Have To Happen” File – v2

The teacher did what teachers do: she stood in front of the class in 70%-vaccinated Marin County, CA and taught. She read something to her class of elementary school kids, as usual. The only problem was that she was unvaccinated. Well, there was one other problem. She had been Covid symptomatic for two days before… [read more]

Misplaced Political Power

Ghastly Governors To the right is a graphic that helps to explain the Florida section of my post last week. The key is to understand that Gov. DeSantis is just the loudest horrible governor; there are many more horribles, some nearly as loud and destructive, although Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has been a bit quieter… [read more]


Merrick Garland’s Justice Department In an interesting and even-handed essay in the Washington Post Magazine, author David Montgomery lays out his view of the Merrick Garland Justice Department in Merrick Garland Won’t Deliver Your Catharsis. Montgomery reports that Garland’s view is that a return to norms and consistently doing the right things is the path… [read more]

The No Surprises Taliban

It didn’t start with imaginary WMDs (weapons of mass destruction). Our national war of insanity began years earlier. The Supreme Court decision following the 2000 election was led by Republican Chief Justice William Rehnquist, who stopped the vote count in Florida. He disenfranchised tens of thousands of voters and gave the election and the presidency… [read more]

It Begs the Question

From Thom Hartmann’s rant on August 6 The first real test of the [National Voter Rights Act of 1993] came in 2018, when Ohio’s Republican Secretary of State, John Husted, went on a voter-purge binge (that hit Black, student and elderly neighborhoods particularly hard) and was sued by the A. Phillip Randolph Institute for violating… [read more]

Governors Gone Wild

It is with enormous pride that we announce the winners of the very first Governors Gone Wild Awards! . Surely, there is a special place for governors of our states who have distinguished themselves as more mentally regressive and self-serving than the call of duty requires and this is it. We mustn’t wait another minute… [read more]

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