
Reading time – 3:31  .  .  . We all know that there are many people who refuse to wear a mask or social distance or wash their hands frequently. Each of them has his/her reasons, including  seeing these safety and health measures as government overreach, they don’t appreciate the danger, they’re angry about the intrusion… [read more]

Biden’s To-Do List – The Short Form

Reading time – 2:52  .  .  . This list of President Joe Biden’s To-Dos starting in the afternoon of January 20, 2021 is offered in no particular order of importance except for the COVID-19 section, which is urgent. Be clear that these items are solely about recovering from Trump destruction. The obvious point here is… [read more]

“How Are You Doing?”

Reading time – 3:24  .  .  . I’m asked that question often, sometimes as a now-standard greeting –  perhaps some of your conversations begin like that, too. My progressively more common answer to friends is that I’m feeling the losses. I haven’t hugged my kids or grand kids in months. We haven’t sat at a… [read more]

Required Reading

Reading time – 5:12  .  .  .  – Updated July 20, 2020 Dave Nelsen is a colleague who penned the essay that follows and, at my request, is allowing me to post it for you. His message isn’t just timely; it’s going to remain urgent for a long time because this pandemic isn’t going away… [read more]

Nagging COVID Questions

Reading time – 3:21  .  .  . On The Hunt It makes good sense not to put all our eggs into one basket in pursuit of a safe and effective vaccine for COVID-19. That’s why we have Operation Warp Speed, wherein we are stimulating the development of vaccines along several different avenues to find one… [read more]

A Most Unusual Fourth of July

Reading time – 3:11  .  .  . My post last Wednesday – What’s Most Important – was about the baseline, the sine qua non obligation of any President of the United States: national security. It is the president’s solemn, sworn duty to protect our nation and our people from foreign threats. Yet now we are… [read more]

The Full Explanation

Reading time – 4:15  .  .  . I’ve been clubbing Republicans for a long time. Let me be fair to them and say, in all humility and from the heart, that every bit of it is deserved. I’ve called them things like “invertebrates” and “jellyfish” specifically for refusing the call from the very values they… [read more]

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