Continues To Be Frighteningly True

Watch this video from back in the good ol’ days. Drop mic. —————————– Call John Bolton whatever accurate and disparaging names you prefer, nothing in what he’s said in promoting his book strains belief. Trump is exactly what you know him to be. Drop mic again —————————– “WASHINGTON — Four months into a pandemic that… [read more]

My Weekly Reader

Reading time – 3:57  .  .  . We’re taking a break from the gigantic stories of the day, the pandemic, racism, our teetering economy and our perennially incompetent government to have a look at other vitally important stories that belong on the front page but have been pushed back to Section B beneath the fold…. [read more]

Comparative Disasters

Reading time – 2:47  .  .  . I used to wake up in the morning and turn on the TV as I made coffee. I did so with trepidation over the anticipated shock of learning what might have happened overnight. Did we invade another country? Did we insult another ally? What new lies is the… [read more]

Out of Control

Reading time – 3:49  .  .  . The tectonic plates are shifting rapidly, leaving lots of us wobbling a bit and looking for something secure to hold onto. Indeed, a recent NBC/WSJ poll reported that 80% of Americans think our country is “out of control.” I don’t know what “out of control” means. Absent a… [read more]

Fun With Numbers and The Trump CCC

Reading time – 3:56; Viewing time – 8:42  .  .  . CAUTION: CONTAINS SNARK. Sensitive readers should close their eyes while reading this post. You’ve been warned. ——————- I have never heard a Democrat or Independent make an accusation of voter fraud. Criminal voter suppression, yes, but  not voter fraud. That leaves Republicans as the… [read more]

The Arc

Reading time – 4:43; Viewing time – 8:05  .  .  . “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice,” said Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., paraphrasing 19th century clergyman Theodore Parker. He was right, of course, but that bending isn’t guaranteed and it doesn’t happen accidentally. The moral arc will… [read more]

Emergency – Break Glass

Donald Trump has declared martial law in DC. No, this isn’t a reality TV moment. This isn’t hyperbole. This isn’t a prank. This is actually happening. And he’s threatened to declare martial law in any state where he wants to deploy our military personnel to “dominate the streets” against our citizens, regardless of governors’ objections…. [read more]

What Have We Done?

Reading time – 5:29; Viewing time – 9:32  .  .  . [Ed. note: Be sure to read the “Finally” section at the bottom, which was added after the video was recorded.] It’s the Economy, Stupid The White House announced (love that phrase – as though a building could talk) that it won’t update economic projections… [read more]

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